The K Desktop Environment

5.2. The composor menus.

5.2.1. The File menu

File->Send Now (Ctrl-Return)

Send the current article immediately.

File->Send Later

Store the current article in the Outbox to be sent later.

File->Save as Draft

Save the current article in the Drafts folder, so you can finish editing it another time.


Delete the current article, closing the editor.

File->Close (Ctrl-W)

Close the editor window

5.2.2. The Edit Menu

Edit->Undo (Ctrl-Z)

Undo the last edit.

Edit->Redo (Ctrl-Shift-Z)

Redo the last action undone with the Undo menu entry.

Edit->Cut (Ctrl-X)

Cut the currently selected text to the clipboard, deleting it from the editor window.

Edit->Copy (Ctrl-C)

Copy the selected text to the clipboard, without removing it from the editor window.

Edit->Paste (Ctrl-V)

Paste the current contents of the clipboard to the editor window.

Edit->Select All (Ctrl-A)

Select all the text in the editor window.

Edit->Find (Ctrl-F)

Open the Find dialog.

Edit->Find Again (F3)

Repeat the last search.

Edit->Replace... (Ctrl-R)

Open the replace dialog.

Edit->Start External Editor

Start the external editor (if one is configured), with the current contents of the editor window.

Edit->Spelling... (Ctrl-Z)

Opens a dialog box to check your spelling.

5.2.3. The Attach Menu

Attach->Append Signature

Insert your signature at the end of the article you are editing.

Attach->Insert File

Insert the contents of a file into the editor window.

Attach->Attach File

Insert a file as an attachment.

5.2.4. The Settings Menu

Settings->Show Toolbar

Toggles on and off the toolbar.

Settings->Save Options

Save the current settings.

Settings->Configure Keybindings...

Open a dialog box where you can configure the keyboard shortcuts.

Settings->Configure Toolbars...

Open a dialog box where you can configure the toolbar icons.


Open the KNode Preferences dialog.

5.2.5. The Help menu

Help->Contents (F1)

Opens the KNode online-help. The document you are reading right now.

Help->What's this? (Shift-F1)

Opens the quick help.

Help->Report Bug

Opens the Bug Report Dialog.

Help->About KNode

Opens the dialog with information about KNode.

Help->About KDE

Opens a dialog with information about the KDE-Project and the current KDE version you use.