The K Desktop Environment

3.4. Configuration

If you use KNode together with with a local news server, you must make sure that this server is correctly set up and started. For further details, please consult the documentation of your local news server.


The availability of the local news server can easily be verified with the program telnet. Open a console and type:

 % telnet localhost nntp 

Followed by that, the news server should respond with:

Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
200 Leafnode NNTP Daemon, version 1.9.16 running at

You quit the telnet session with:

 % quit

If that should not work, there is either no local news server set up or the server was not started. In this case, please consult the documentation of your local news server.

Further, you need of course a (dial-in) connection to a news server on the Internet. From there, KNode or the local news server retrieves the articles. Your Internet provider should be able to give you information about which news servers you can use. You need this information in any case.

You will learn more about setting up KNode in the chapter Working with KNode